Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow in OC

It seems pretty improbable but last Wednesday it snowed in Orange County. Exactly how much we were not certain of so Saturday morning we set out to inspect. Along with friends Carol Ann and Brett, Molly and I loaded up the bikes, put on our winter gear and drove to Maple Springs trail at the end of Silverado Canyon Road. The ride started out pretty cold at 39 degrees and slow going as the tire traction suffered in the icy conditions. Those who know Maple Springs know that the trail is paved for an initial section and after about 4 miles turns to dirt. The paved section was covered by snow almost the whole way up with the exception of the very beginning and by the time we reached the dirt transition we decided we'd had enough of an adventure. We could have gone on but it would have turned into hiking exclusively. After watching a National Forest Service vehicle turn around and retreat after slipping and sliding around we figured it was the wise choice. The snow was thaat deep. Truly unbelievable for SoCal. You can see the rest of our photos here. I can't wait to go back up there and try and make it all the way through to Motorway. Although it was a fun adventure of snow biking, photo taking and snow ball chucking, we only made it about 8ish miles.

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